Laser Acupuncture
What is laser acupuncture therapy?
Laser acupuncture has existed for more than 20 years, but needle equivalence and simultaneous treatment of multiple points were introduced into medical acupuncture in 2000 in Germany. The technology has improved over the years. FDA granted approval of this system in August 2008 for treatment, improvement of microcirculation, muscle spasm and joint arthritis. Laser needle equivalence can be used on multiple acupuncture points with high density, simultaneously on body, skull, or ear, thus stimulating these points. This technology has been demonstrated in clinical as well as in basic research with the help of neuromonitoring of the central nervous system. In many patients therapy with laser needles can produce long term healing effects in various illnesses. Laser acupuncture is needleless, painless and side effect free.
Research data and clinical applications have been conducted in various medical conditions outside of United States with exciting and promising results. (Examples listed but not limited to.)
- Macular Degeneration / Retinitis Pigmentosa
Orthopedic Conditions
Neurology ( Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, Peripheral Neuropathy)
Sports medicine (non-doping energizing therapy, improvement of endurance)
Difficult Infections, Bone Necrosis, Non-Healing Ulcer
Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease (Myocardial perfusion of patients with chronic stable angina)
Various Cancers (photodynamic therapy for cancer and metastasis, Adjuvant therapy to reduce nausea, vomiting, and to improve energy)
Various Immune Disease (Immuno Deficiency, Auto Immune Disease, etc.)
Metabolic Disease (High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes)
Dermatology and cosmetic laser therapy (Photodynamic therapy in precancerous, photoablation in varius skin conditions, wrinkles, acne, etc)
Psychological blockage
Long lasting chronic diseases always leads to energy deficiency, which ends in adynamia and weakness of the immune system and other organ dysfunctions. Psychological weakness leads to depression and fatigue. Support with laser light therapy is support of energy in general. The use of different wavelengths generate positive effects on organs and cellular systems.
Modern energetic medicine is key for prevention of chronic diseases.
How does laser acupuncture work?
From the cellular perspective, low-level lasers can decrease inflammation and pain. The mechanism seems to be through changes to how local tissues respond to the cortisol steroid hormone system. It also stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues by increasing connective tissue activity of fibroblasts.
Low level laser acupuncture techniques focus both right at the problem site, like in physiotherapy (tight or injured tissues), and at the classic meridian-type “acupoints” near and far from the problem to impact on one’s constitution (based on Chinese medicine theory). It is likely that needlles and penetrating laser light work by different mechanisms.
Recent research has made it clearer that different colours of laser light do different jobs. Green laser light is quickly absorbed by surface tissues such as skin and blood, and can be used for surface wounds. On the other hand, infrared lasers, the type more popular with acupuncture and physiotherapy (and the type we use at our clinic) penetrate more deeply to connective tissues like ligaments and tendons.